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The Beef Herd

The herd of cattle spend their lives grazing the water meadows alongside the river Avon. They produce a calf each spring and graze throughout the summer before spending the winter indoors feeding on hay and silage produced on the farm. Then in the spring they are turned outdoors and spend their second summer grazing, benefiting from all the naturally occurring grasses and herbs in the meadows. They are also supplemented with some homegrown cereals as necessary.

All the cows are crossed with Aberdeen Angus bulls, as they are easy calving and the native breeds thrive on the forage based diet.

In addition to the cattle sold to nearby abattoirs Wick Farm are able to offer boxes of beef with a selection of roasting joints, steak, mince and stewing steaks all packed, labelled and ready for you to enjoy fresh or simply store in your freezer.